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Ragazzo rischia di morire in Iran. Firmiamo tutti

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Ormai mancano pochissime ore ad una nuova esecuzione di un ragazzo in Iran, per un reato commesso quando aveva 15 anni.

Quindici anni...

L'Iran è l'unica nazione al mondo dove vengono uccisi anche coloro che hanno commesso un reato durante l'adolescenza, una pratica condannata dal mondo intero.


Ecco di cosa è accusato:

Mohammad-Reza was accused of being an accomplice to murdering an elderly man who in 2003 gave Mohammad-Reza and two friend a ride as they were hitchhiking alongside a road outside of Shiraz. At a rest stop on the roadside where Mohamad-Reza was at the restroom, the two other young men killed the driver; upon his return from the restroom however he was involved in pouring gasoline on the deceased’s body, burning and then burying him.


Fonte: http://planet-iran.com/index.php/news/3733


Potete quindi rendervi conto di quanto sia assurdo questo regime.




Tentiamo di fermarli, facciamo sentire la nostra voce alle autorità.

Ecco la lettera da inviare:


Your Excellency,


I am addressing you today regarding the case of Mohammad Reza Haddadi who is imprisoned in the Adelabad penitentiary in Shiraz.

Mohammad Reza Haddadi was sentenced to death by a court in Kazeroun on January 6th, 2004, for a murder committed at the age of 15, even though he withdrew his confession during the trial and even though the co-defendants had exonerated him.


I hereby ask you to invalidate the death sentence against Mohammad Reza Haddadi because he was under age at the time of the crime and because he is said to have only confessed the murder because his family was promised financial aid.

In addition, there are significant doubts as to his guilt because he has withdrawn his confession and because the co-defendants have withdrawn their incriminating statements against him during the trial.


In the above claim, I am referring to the obligation of the Iranian authorities in accordance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights according to which death sentence is not to be imposed for crimes committed by persons under the age of 18 years. A similar demand is also included in the recommendation of the Committee of the United Nations for Children’s Rights in which Iran was asked, in 2005, to suspend all death sentences on persons under age.



Nome Cognome


Speditela via email a:


- Head of Tehran Judiciary, Ali Reza Avaei: avaei@Dadgostary-tehran.ir


- Head of the Judiciary, Ayatollah Sadeqh Larijani: http://www.dadiran.ir/tabid/75/Default.aspx

Nota: nella prima casella con la stella rossa inserite il vostro nome. Nella seconda mettete il cognome e infine nella terza il vostro indirizzo email.



Facciamo il possibile.


Anche raccogliendo 5 miliardi di firme, quel ragazzo morirà lo stesso.


Non siamo noi che dobbiamo far sentire la nostra voce, ma quell'Onu che mi sembra ogni giorno più inutile.


Anche raccogliendo 5 miliardi di firme, quel ragazzo morirà lo stesso.


Non siamo noi che dobbiamo far sentire la nostra voce, ma quell'Onu che mi sembra ogni giorno più inutile.


si è vero... nè vigliaccheria, ma la realtà... condivido

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