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Le campagne per diritti LGBT? Come campagne di reclutamento naziste

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An Anglican newspaper has defended the publication of an article that compares gay rights campaigners to Nazis, saying the author has "pertinent views".

The column, by former east London councillor Alan Craig, appeared in the 28 October edition of the Church of England Newspaper, one of the oldest newspapers in the world. Although it is independent of the institution bearing the same name, it carries adverts for Church of England jobs and is read by its clergy.

In his column Craig referred to a number of high-profile legal cases where Christians claim to have been penalised for their views on homosexuality.

He wrote: "Having forcibly – and understandably – rectified the Versailles-type injustices and humiliations foisted on the homosexual community, the UK's victorious Gaystapo are now on a roll. Their gay-rights stormtroopers take no prisoners as they annex our wider culture, and hotel owners, registrars, magistrates, doctors, counsellors, and foster parents … find themselves crushed under the pink jackboot.

"Thanks especially to the green light from a permissive New Labour government, the gay Wehrmacht is on its long march through the institutions and has already occupied the Sudetenland social uplands of the Home Office, the educational establishment, the politically-correct police. Following a plethora of equalities legislation, homosexuals are now protected and privileged by sexual orientation regulations and have achieved legal equality by way of civil partnerships. But it's only 1938 and Nazi expansionist ambitions are far from sated."


Fonte: http://richarddawkins.net/articles/643873-anglican-newspaper-defends-gaystapo-article


Il vittimismo e l'anticonformismo dei conservatori :rolleyes:

Fabio Castorino

I fondamentalisti religiosi si stanno rendendo conto che stanno perdendo (soprattutto in paesi come il Regno Unito) e cercano di giocare la carta del vittimismo, facendosi passare per perseguitati dalla "lobby gay". Questi fondamentalisti sono talmente intrisi di omofobia da considerare un loro diritto fondamentale quello di discriminare i gay e da considerare le leggi sui diritti civili una violazione del loro diritto all'odio. Ma la gente non è stupida, si ricorda ancora bene delle violenze che hanno commesso in nome del loro Dio e delle persecuzioni orrende a cui hanno sottoposto fino a non molto tempo fa chi si opponeva al loro dominio, e non crederà a queste menzogne.


Dopo il terremoto a New-york causa matrimoni gay adesso anche la gay-stapo.

Se non fossero drammatiche queste cose farebbero sorridere.

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