Sampei Posted September 15, 2015 Posted September 15, 2015 Ragazzi, vi avviso che dal 16 al 18 settembre 2015 si terrà a Roma la III European Geographies of Sexualities Conference Il tema di quest'anno è CROSSING BOUNDARIES: SEXUALITIES, MEDIA AND (URBAN) SPACES Ho dato una letta ai temi trattati e direi che è roba scottante ed attualissima, nel senso che rappresenta in fondo una trattazione di argomenti che vengono spesso affrontati proprio qui sul forum, e poi nelle vite private dei gay. Mi piange il cuore a non poterci andare, ma ovviamente questi stupidi hanno scelto giorni infrasettimanali fottendosene del fatto che la gente lavora. Ho chiesto se ci saranno registrazioni o se verranno effettuati interventi analoghi al nord, ma ne dubito. Se qualche romano ci può andare e poi magari mi racconta com'era o registra gli interventi, gliene sarei gratissimo! Questo link riporta il programma degli interventi: Questo invece riporta gli estratti delle tematiche che saranno affrontate. Riporto il testo di presentazione della locandina universitaria: About This conference is a follow up to the I European Geographies of Sexualities Conference (8th – 10th September 2011, Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel) and the II European Geographies of Sexualities Conference (5-7 September 2013, FCSH, UNL, Lisbon). Presentation Media and technologies have gained a prominent role in our everyday lives, (re)shaping the relation between bodies, space and sexualities. Through the use of specific apps (e. g. Grindr, Tinder, Brenda) as well as social networks (e. g. Facebook, Instagram), subjects both produce and consume sexualized spaces of multiple (virtual) encounters. These sexualized spaces are embedded within the temporalities of these media and technologies: for instance, the IRC chats, the HTML frame or the social media and the smart technologies open to different configurations of the relation between space and sexualities. Moreover the production and use of the interfaces these technologies are based on offer the possibility to play and experiment with identities, roles and desires. These processes shape new morphologies for transnational metropoles and the people inhabiting them. New forms of sociability and new possibilities of encounter are then offered for everyday life both within cities and countryside/low-density areas, also redefining our meaning of place, space and territoriality. Studies, researches and analyses of how digital technologies and sexualities intervene in geographies are a brand new full study-sphere to discover. The access to these instruments and spaces is uneven: on one side a young generation appears as “digital natives”; on the other, some subjects appear as “non-digital”. This “digital divide” can be linked to a multiplicity of factors: uneven territorial development, generational divide, informatic illiteracy, or even a critical choice of self-exclusion. Whilst recognizing their potential, we should also be aware of how these technologies can be appropriated and managed by hegemonic powers for controlling, disciplining and even punishing (sexual) dissidents. This ambivalence becomes crucial when considering the political dimension of these instruments. On one side, media, technologies and social networks open new forms and languages of political activism and contention, favouring the creation of long-distance ties and the sharing of mottos and practices. On the other, police and other institutions can use the same instruments to repress, punish and control sexual dissidence in its multiple forms. Quote
marco7 Posted September 15, 2015 Posted September 15, 2015 La maggioranza di voi e' in grado di seguire e capire una conferenza in inglese ? Quote
Amor-fati Posted September 15, 2015 Posted September 15, 2015 Mi sarebbe piaciuto andare... peccato! La maggioranza di voi e' in grado di seguire e capire una conferenza in inglese ? Voglio sperare che abbiano chiamato anche degli interpreti... conferenze così dovrebbero essere all'ordine del giorno per tutti i simultaneisti. Quote
marco7 Posted September 15, 2015 Posted September 15, 2015 non credo proprio che ci saranno interpreti, ma potrei anche sbagliare naturalmente. Quote
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